Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

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We are so proud to be the parish primary school of Our Lady of Lourdes, Armadale and St Peters, Toorak. Since the very beginning of the parish in 1922, the school has held the most special of roles -  educating its children. 

For one hundred years Our Lady of Lourdes with its numbers ebbing and flowing has been a place of education, faith, love and happiness, so much so that we regularly receive visits and letters from past students happily recalling teachers, friends, and fun times.

Much has changed at the school but we hold our heritage closely. Our grounds and facilities, although modernised to support contemporary teaching methods, are explicitly Catholic and reflect our charism of Our Lady, St Bernadette and the story of Lourdes. 

We invite you to come and see our school. You can peruse our website ololprimary.com.au.  If you visit, you will see a Catholic school that is committed to caring for its community, students that are encouraged to reach their potential, and compassion and understanding in practice.

You will see how our students thrive in a loving Christian environment, children who are valued for their uniqueness and in turn value others. You will see around 150 students who are known and nurtured in the contemporary context of an amazing educational experience. 

We invite you to come and see it all for yourselves.


Our Lady of Lourdes - Primary School
East Prahran, Vic 3181
t:  (03) 9510 6688