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Confirmation completes initiation into the Catholic Church. This sacrament is usually administered to children at the age of about twelve (from Garde 6 onwards), by a Bishop of the Diocese.

The Rite of Confirmation is twofold. The bishop and the concelebrating priests lay hands on the candidate and invokes the Holy Spirit. The anointing with Chrism and the words that accompany clearly express the effects of the giving of the Holy Spirit.

Signed with the perfumed oil of Chrism, the baptised person receives the indelible character, and is sealed with the Holy Spirit, which brings them more closely to Christ and gives them the grace to spread the good news of Jesus among people.

“Those who have been baptised continue on the path of Christian initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation. In this way, they receive the Holy Spirit, conforming them more perfectly to Christ and strengthening them so that they may bear witness to Christ for the building up of his body in faith and love.” (Rite of Confirmation, nn. 1-2)


Confirmation is available to Catholic students from Year 6 onwards, who are Parishioners. This year the parish program is open to families from Armadale, Prahran, Toorak, St Kilda East and Balaclava. 

Please Contact Delisa Gonsalves on (03) 9068 8602 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information, or please fill in the enquiry form below.

Please Note:  We are currently taking Enrolments for 2025, please contact contact Delisa Gonsalves (details above). Enrolments close on Monday 11 August 2025.

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